Minggu, Juli 26, 2009

We know, on internet we can 'make money' from our blog--in other word, monetize blog. And one of them is text ads. Everybody knows google adsense, the largest advertising company in the cyberworld. But, requirements so that google would like to receive our blog is very difficult:(

But dont worry, there is ads directory that needed 2 requirements; email and blog. Email for register and blog... of course for 'implementation' the text ads.

On Indonesia, there is 2 well-known ads directory, kumpulblogger and adsensecamp. Excess kumpulblogger ads from the other directory, the ads can implamentation in the blog wp.com and friendster profiles. While adsensecamp can be 'planted' in a local blog indonesia, such as blogdetik and blogs in dagdigdug.com. Cause these directori owned by Indonesian, so royalty paid in Rupiah.

Or wanna get royalty in dollar? You can try bidvertiser or adbrite. Why I recomended that site? Couse I think that adsvertiser company that can not be considered frivolous with Adsense. Might be you wanna try this one? But I think adbrite better than bidvertiser. Couse not only offer text ads but also pics ads and link ads also full-page adsvertisement.

Well, All of decision depended by you. I just give you choice, but you are the decision maker.

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